Sunday, August 22, 2010

Ramblings as a single lady...

Here is the thoughts I had living 31 years as a single lady. I hope they encourage others.

“I want you.” Teddy says to Jo. Little Women

I don’t know what it’s like to be wanted or to be thought of in that way. Lord my hope is waning even as my stomach growls to remind me of my step towards you. What if this journey is just you and me? What if I go down as the Trustworthy woman, but never the marriageable one? I know that my behavior plays into it just like others I watch who I horribly think are in the same situation :Destined to remain unmarried. Maybe it’s that very factor that makes me empathetic to their plight. Am I willing to give up my sin for a greater purpose? Um nope. The honesty is a bit sad, and slightly despairing, but my hope is still in the Lord.

Who am I?

But a decomposed piece

Taken down by the flecks ash

A hand reaches

To me through this mess

Why do I push it away?

Will there be a place of honor?

A heart longs to hold me

To take me to a place I never thought possible.

I want to be wanted with a passion that sweeps my senses, and I have no idea how that would begin to look for me. So while I am in pain I give it to the Lord with hope knowing he does give good things to those who love him.

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